When is National Arts Week?
The fact that Australia does not have a National Arts Week is a glaring absence in our national calendar.
Tasmania’s Liberal Government protests Brandis arts cuts
Both the State Government and Tasmania’s artists predict devastation for the State’s cultural centre under the Budget cuts.
Forget about The Block, Sydney gives us Superhouses
Sydney Living Museums takes a stab at examining what makes a 'superhouse' and who are the style makers.
Privately-funded program threatened by public funding cuts
Copyright Agency money funds residencies in regional Australia but the program depends on public money now threatened by the Australian…
Working in Asia: A different sense of space
Appropriate museum display of Asian art requires an understanding of Eastern philosophy.
Non-professionals invited to assess excellence
The assessors for the new National Program for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA) will have very different qualifications and procedures…
What's STEM without the flower?
Education’s hottest topic is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) while the subjects that teach us human values are undervalued.
Star Gazing: looking beyond Queensland
Approaching GOMA's tenth anniversary, we speak with Chris Saines on his vision for the Brisbane gallery and its international footprint…
Cultural capitals: Sydney
Turning to Sydney in our latest instalment of our Cultural Capitals series, we ask leading arts professionals to encapsulate what…
Changes to the Movable Cultural Heritage Act
A position paper is soon to be tabled on proposed changes to Australia’s Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act.