
Why Australian performers struggle in Europe
A tour of European opera companies reveals the roadblocks Australians still face.

Labor promises to return lost Australia Council funding
Last night’s Budget, which failed to address years of cuts to the arts, has prompted an election promise from the…

Creative industries policy doesn't treat arts as industry
The $115m in new funding in Victoria's Creative Industries Policy isn't as new as it looks, says Shadow Minister Heidi…

Should you choose board members by wallet size?
The pressure on board members to write large cheques may prevent arts organisations accessing valuable talent.

Why the innovation agenda needs the arts
The arts happen to be very good at exactly the skills the Government has highlighted in its Innovation Statement.

Australian culture in the Age of FANG
FANG – Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google and their ilk now dominate global culture. Where does that leave Australian identity?

Arts budget 2016 doesn't hurt (much) but doesn't heal
For the arts, the 2016-17 budget is steady as she goes: it neither inflicts major damage nor helps heal the…

There's a better way to back creative workers
Victoria's new creative industry policy promises new programs to develop creative talent. But research suggests it may not be smart…

Exposing the creative industries fallacy
The idea of creative industries is based on an economy that has no way to count the things that matter.

Who got the Catalyst money?
On the eve of the 2016 Budget, the winners of Catalyst funding taken from the Australia Council a year ago…