
Fragile Matter
A sweaty, thumping collaboration between Tasmania’s Tasdance and Greece’s Jukstapoz for Ten Days on the Island.

Trump plans to cancel US arts endowment
President Trump's FY 2018 budget blueprint proposes the elimination of the US National Endowment for the Arts, which funds community…

Beating the 17-second trap
The psychological benefits of art work best when audiences slow down but galleries struggle to stop the rush.

Labor puts arts at core of social agenda
A rallying call by the Labor Opposition has set a firm path to developing a National Arts Policy framework with…

Why we need to get serious about comedy
No one doubts Shakespeare's comedies are art but contemporary comedians are often dismissed in discussions of cultural value.

Finding success outside the gallery system
Perth-born New York-based artist Ian Strange offers advice on how to go it solo without a gallery and how to…

When are you too old for your arts jobs?
In the arts, retirement is often not an option.

The original escape for makers
A program for those who need time to develop their creative practice or learn a new skill.

Perhaps the arts can learn innovation from banking
The arts like to think of themselves as the heart of originality but perhaps we can learn from info tech,…

Beating subconscious sexism in the job market
We know people are more likely to hire people like themselves. So how do we break a pattern where Artistic…