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How clean is your desk? The unwelcome reality of office hygiene

The average office desk is said to contains 400 times more germs than a toilet seat – meaning that many…


On the move: the latest appointments and resignations

QUT nabs US media scholar, Next Wave gets new Director/CEO, Lifetime Patrons for MTC, New Chair at La Mama, and…


Minister for the Arts Mitch Fifield has resigned

In the latest #libspill news, Minister for the Arts Mitch Fifield has resigned alongside Senior Ministers Mathias Cormann and Michaelia…


Arts SA Executive Director dismissed by state government

Peter Louca, Executive Director of Arts South Australia, has been dismissed by the Marshall Liberal Government just two weeks before…


Arts Industry Council SA responds to Louca's dismissal

The AICSA is ‘greatly concerned’ by the dismissal of Peter Louca, Executive Director of Arts South Australia.


#shareyourrejection is exactly the hashtag we need right now

Creatives on twitter demonstrate the reality of rejection in the arts, sharing their failures to reveal that for many, success…


Applause: Latest success stories and prize winners

John Leslie Art Prize finalists revealed, Black Swan Prize for Portraiture finalists announced, Heath Ledger Scholarship finalists named, Art Music…


$486,000 boost for diversity and inclusion in the arts

A new program, Talent Matters, announced by Victoria’s Labor Government, will dispense nearly half a million dollars to support diversity…


You don’t have to be wealthy to give

'Start now,' is the message when it comes to philanthropy and creative partnerships. Make it part of your DNA.


National Art School Open Day – first step in your self-determined career

Discover why Australia’s oldest art school is maximising career opportunities for artists with 21st century attitude – visit NAS Open…

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