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Book review: Other Houses, Paddy O'Reilly

A gritty tale of class and aspirations and falling deep within the cracks.


Book review: If you're happy, Fiona Robertson

A collection of stories that will bring you small bursts of joy.


Book review: Sadvertising, Ennis Ćehić

A surreal and satirical collection of short stories set in and around the world of advertising.

black and white image of a woman on a picnic rug
Opinions & Analysis

The many lost paths to a novel

When writing her latest novel, Jane Rawson was surprised by how mutable her story was, travelling through both time and…


Book review: Only a Monster, Vanessa Len

A thrilling YA urban fantasy twist on the age-old monster versus hero conflict.


Book review: Hovering, Rhett Davis

A transformative tale of overlapping realities and temporal strangeness set in south-eastern Australia.


Book review: Orphan Rock, Dominique Wilson

A novel that weaves the major events of the times into the life stories of its characters


Book review: The Torrent, Dinuka McKenzie

A stunning crime debut worthy of local and overseas accolades.


Book review: Son of Sin, Omar Sakr

The poet's debut novel ranges over the big issues of sex, family, religion and self-identity.

Four women in profile pictures: top left to right Leanne Hall, Jordi Albiston, Karen Wyld abnd Tara June Winch

Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature showcase excellence

This year's prize winners are a diverse group and many of the top prizes go to women.

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