
On the Move: Latest sector appointments and departures
New board members for Windmill and Bus Stop Films, and more.

ICYMI: This week’s arts news in brief
The latest festival and exhibition announcements, opportunities for artists, and a summary of arts news from around the country.

When art comes from a deeper place, it’s palpable
Announcing new dates in September, Parrtjima 2020 is enduring - at once topical and timeless in shareing the stories of…

Our new podcast: the ArtsHubbub
The ArtsHubbub – ArtsHub's monthly podcast takes a look inside Australian arts, and the minds of Australian artists. Each episode…

Artist censored from Hong Kong protest exhibition
Badiucao is again at the centre of a censorship debate, left questioning the ambiguity the protest intentions, and structures of…

Applause: Latest funding and awards announced
Yhonnie Scarce receives $60,000 Yalingwa Fellowship, 12 authors make the 2020 Stella Prize Longlist, Hatched Curatorial Fellowship announced, and latest…

Are arts grants applications blocked by classist language?
Applying for a grant shouldn't require a specific language but for some there is a class barrier that prevents application.

Is professionalism a dirty word in the arts? (from the archives)
Has too much talk of brand and career management muddied the path of professional practice as an artist? Artistic growth…

On the Move: Latest sector appointments & departures
Meet DRILL’s new Artistic Director, CIAF's new General Manager, Brisbane Festival’s Marketing and Communications Director, and more.

Farewelling 40 years of history as a new chapter begins
As Metro Arts prepares to relocate to a new home in Brisbane’s West End, the organisation is throwing a festival…