
Capturing the nerd audience
The mainstreaming of geek culture means the arts are now targeting the disposable income of a once-derided demographic.

Hollywood Costume wraps up ACMI’s best year yet
ACMI has recorded its largest ever visitation attracting more than 1.156 million visitors.

The importance of managing your collection
If you’re a serious collector or do it for love, making sure your art collection is well managed could save…

Pozible Gigs offers $10,000 for live music
A new scheme from crowdfunding website Pozible is giving musicians and venues the chance fund their projects.

16th Century double bass joins ACO
The Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) has unveiled its latest acquisition.

International opportunity for picture book authors
Me Books app offers authors 50/50 deal on children’s book distribution.

Pulitzer prize winner at Mildura Writers' Festival
Pulitzer prize winning author Jane Smiley has been added to the Mildura Writers' Festival program.

Palace theatre under threat
Melbourne’s Palace Theatre is under threat after the announcement that developers plan to demolish the property.

When does a selfie become art?
The ubiquitous ‘selfie’ dominates social media, but how do we differentiate between a vanity snap and legitimate art?

Curating the future
A curator used to be a caretaker of objects. But now curators work with words, images and ideas often in…