
As our lives move more and more rapidly online, Australian playwright Adam Cass seems to find himself with more material.

Maa (The Mother)
Maa (The Mother) is a courageous attempt to deal with female subjugation and poverty in Indian society.

The art of mental health
Some believe that suicide has reached cultural epidemic proportions. Art can help the healing process.

Development grants now open for NSW artists with disabilities
$5000-$10000 professional development grants for NSW artists with disability now open.

Sydney Fringe Festival appoints new Director
Kerri Glasscock to helm the Festival from 2014-16.

Adelaide Festival Centre CEO makes international move
Douglas Gautier, has been appointed chair of the Association of Asia Pacific Performing Arts Centres (AAPPAC).

This week’s appointments
There have been some significant changes in the sector this week and some long serving people are making their move.

Adelaide Film Festival 2013: of silver frocks and tatty animals
Scott Hicks' Don Dunstan Award gave him a chance to reflect on the nature of chance and the special quality…

Literature improves emotional intelligence
A new study reveals that fans of literary fiction could be better at deciphering how others are feeling.

What every freelancer should know
Freelancing 101 - Avoid the pitfalls and reap the rewards of being your own boss.