
Proposal to get Australian musicals kicking up their heels
First runs in Perth would ensure home grown musicals are market-ready before they hit the costs and critics of Melbourne…

Melbourne Festival announces new Artistic Director
Josephine Ridge's replacement will commence work in April, to begin programming the 2016 Melbourne Festival.

Fighting the ticket touts
Computer hackers have raised the stakes in ticket touting prompting a UK parliamentary debate this week. But changing the law…

Arts party candidates run as independents in Queensland
Two independent candidates in the Queensland Election come out of the newly formed Arts Party.

How to ask for money
Artists and creatives need to challenge the expectation that they will work for free because they enjoy what they do.…

Unveiled: Latest Program Announcements
A state arts festival, a major dance company and a writers' week have announced programs.

Unveiled: Latest program announcements
The year is heating up with program announcements in theatre, film, music, visual arts and a big night out for…

The philosophy of philanthropy
Knowing why philanthropists want to give to the arts instead of to other sectors can help you leverage their support.

Should you do a curating degree?
New tertiary curatorial programs are raising the bar for graduates looking for work in the visual arts.

Creativity does not equal being an artist
Government support for 'creative industries' risks demeaning the artist to 'fungible creative stem cells'.