
APACA’s 2017 conference invites the Outside, In
Tired of waiting in the wings? APACA’s 2017 conference invites you in by focussing on connections, not transactions, and shifting…

Monkey selfie and a rasta Insta pic offer lessons in fair use
Two cases have come before the US courts that rethink the goal posts on fair use, and the authorship and…

Welcome Madeleine Dore & get news on your mobile!
ArtsHub is thrilled to welcome back Madeleine Dore as a regular contributor.

Fringe advocacy should not be taken for granted
A recent ArtsHub feature called Fringe Festivals 'the arts world's version of a pyramid marketing scheme'. Here, a Fringe Festival…

Making international engagement work
Making links abroad can have long-term benefits back on home soil.

Hands off our gifts, Treasury!
The silent advocacy of the Deductible Gift Recipient scheme is under review – and under threat.

On the move: latest appointments and resignations
From Darwin to Footscray, change is afoot in numerous organisations, including the craft, screen and festival sectors.

Getting your work life balance right
Is work constantly snapping at your heels, keeping you from life? Then here are five tips to keep the beast…

Opportunity for residents to join new creative centre
107 Projects are looking for like-minded creative practitioners to join Joynton Avenue Creative Centre – with subsidised rates on offer.

Copyright Agency distributes $1.3 million
New Australian plays, Indigenous art and writing, and a number of festivals are among those projects supported in the latest…