
Applause: recent winners
International scholarships awarded in Adelaide; Melbourne Fringe reveals 2017 award winners; arts organisations share in funding, and many more.

On the move: the latest appointments and resignations
New artistic team for Helpmann Awards and a new CEO for Theatre Works

Ramp up your professional skills before year-end with a summit
Feeling stale or burnt out? Recharge with a summit, conference or festival of ideas to kick you into gear ready…

Sydney Symphony changes position on marriage equality
The SSO has publicly stated its commitment to the Yes campaign, an about face to its ambivalent position a few…

2017 Australia Council Fellowships announced
The highly-sought Australia Council Fellowships, each worth $80,000 over two years, have been announced. Eight artists have been recognised.

Adelaide Fringe awards record $85k in grants to Australian artists
Fifteen artists and ensembles have received funding compared to nine the previous year.

Singing for marriage equality
The latest entry in the Yes campaign is a touching video created by The Ballarat Arts Academy, The BallaRat Pack…

Applause: recent winners
SHIRL shortlist announced; Royal Art prize winner revealed in Perth; Kennedy Art prize winner announced in Adelaide, and many more.

Facebook vs Face to Face: Analogue bodies in a digital world
From robots and long-distance rehearsals, to new models of collaboration and company structures, technology will change all our lives.

Why you need artist insurance
Are you planning on performing in a public space, or sending your artwork interstate? Maybe it’s time to think about…