Melbourne Cabaret Festival launches 2013 season
The fourth annual Melbourne Cabaret Festival line-up was launched on Monday night before an enthusiastic crowd, promising another successful season.
Youth shun cabaret
Cabaret began as a youthful risqué form of entertainment but now it's a struggle to interest the under 30s.
Toby Francis: Blokelahoma!
MELBOURNE CABARET FESTIVAL: Based on his all too brief season at the Melbourne Cabaret Festival, 23 year old Toby Francis…
The Wau Wau Sisters' Last Supper
THE FAMOUS SPIEGEL GARDEN: US burlesque duo Adrienne Truscott and Tanya Gagne leave no sensibilities unruffled in this delightful cabaret…
The Divine Cabaret
MELBOURNE FRINGE FESTIVAL: A cabaret-style tribute to the unique musical talents of Neil Hannon and The Divine Comedy.
Adelaide Cabaret: The 'perfect' festival
ADELAIDE CABARET FESTIVAL: Ready for a long weekend at the 'perfect' festival? Just select your favourite accommodation, take in a…