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How blockbusters can usher new thinking
Blockbusters offer a voltage of ideas between past and present, so how is a pandemic model ushering a new way…

Book review: This Dark Country, Rebecca Birrell
Women artists create a space for themselves to allow for permissiveness and dreaminess.

Book review: The Sweetest Fruits, Monique Truong
A tale about the beauty and tyranny of memory

Exhibition review: The view from Here, AGWA
A celebration of over 230 WA artists: an eclectic survey of where we have been and where we are now.

Theatre review: The Ajoona Guest House, Bakehouse Theatre
A stark journey into New Delhi’s dark side.

Theatre review: The Lovely Bones, New Theatre
The stage adaptation of the bestselling novel is a contemplative production.

Theatre review: The Tempest, Black Swan State Theatre Company
A staging of the Bard's last play to celebrate a milestone anniversary.

Getting noticed, a letter to an emerging creative
Decorated arts writer/critic Andrew Wood wrote a series of open letters to creatives with this one focussing on getting noticed.

On the move: Latest sector appointments
Bangarra appoints new AD, Adelaide Writers’ Week reveals new Director, and more.

Campaigning for culture this election
With a Federal Election looming in 2022, Esther Anatolitis takes a strategic look at at how the arts can push…