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25095 results
Vale The Saints' Chris Bailey
John Willsteed pays tribute to Chris Bailey, a 'gentleman with the mad soul of an Irish convict poetā and acknowledges…

Comedy review: Damian Callinan, Double Feature
A clever and romantic romp about love and loss.

Dance review: Thomas Woodman, A dead-end in itself
An exploration into our ceaseless fixation with mass media channels.

Dance review: Exposed, Restless Dance Theatre
A new work exploring vulnerability, trust and community in public spaces for those with a disability.

Dance review: Benjamin Hurley's UpAndUpAndUpAndUp
A captivating performance from a rising star.

Magazine review: Curiouser, issue two
This collection of strange tales will take you to unexpected places.

Dance review: Pia Lauritz, Billy Soy
A fun, neon-lit, slapstick drag performance.

Comedy review: Floyd Alexander-Hunt, Highly Strung
Embarrassing personal information about sex, love and relationships goes public.

Book review: The Fish, Lloyd Jones
A lyrical and allegorical novel that tugs at the binds of family.

Book review: The Grass Hotel, Craig Sherborne
A poetic word painting of dementia and of dying, of love and yearning