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Exit interview: James Berlyn, WAYTCo
Outgoing Artistic Director James Berlyn reflects on six eventful years with the WA Youth Theatre Company.

Book review: The Scope of Permissibility, Zeynab Gamieldien
A debut novel tracks the lives of a trio of friends as they explore university life and their Muslim faith.

Why you need to stop obsessing about your potential
Feel like you're held hostage by the pressure of living up to your potential? Verity Johnson has put together a…

Handling the work experience kids: there must be a better way
Does your organisation buckle under the strain at work experience placement time? Read on for some simple tactics to streamline…

So you want my arts job: Head of Music, Opera Australia
If you love the canon but enjoy learning, working as the Head of Music for a major company may be…

On the move: latest sector appointments
A long-serving CEO resigns, a Chair is appointed, and an Acting AD takes a youth company's helm.

Exhibition review: Twist, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
‘Twist’ is one of those rare exhibitions that hit the mark on both depth and scope, with curious encounters and…

Light event review: Resonate and Mirror Mirror, Illuminate Adelaide
Innovative and enchanting, Moment Factory's 'Resonate' and 'Mirror Mirror' light up the city as part of Illuminate Adelaide.

Bridging the arts/science divide with stories for kids with autism
Dr Rina Fu's cartoon series helps bring the world of science, technology and art to ALL students.

When the money is given back … something is terribly wrong
News of the cancellation of the Hyde Park Barracks Art Commission has raised many questions.