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Film review: Audrey Napanangka
This Australian documentary of Audrey Napanangka provides an expansive yet intimate portrait of a family living between two worlds.

Performance review: Josh Staley, Quicker than the Eye, Arrow on Swanston
Not just quick of hand, Staley is also funny and a good showman.

Diablo 4 revives classical art for a new generation
It's not often you see a blockbuster game try to foster classical art appreciation. But that's seemingly what the Diablo…

Indigenous art centres at the precipice of outdated approaches to funding
We love Indigenous art centres but are we really supporting them the best we can as a sector?

The Australian Ballet dancers pivot to industrial action
Stalled pay negotiations reflect the financial woes of the country's leading ballet company.

Exit interview: James Berlyn, WAYTCo
Outgoing Artistic Director James Berlyn reflects on six eventful years with the WA Youth Theatre Company.

Book review: The Scope of Permissibility, Zeynab Gamieldien
A debut novel tracks the lives of a trio of friends as they explore university life and their Muslim faith.

Why you need to stop obsessing about your potential
Feel like you're held hostage by the pressure of living up to your potential? Verity Johnson has put together a…

Handling the work experience kids: there must be a better way
Does your organisation buckle under the strain at work experience placement time? Read on for some simple tactics to streamline…

So you want my arts job: Head of Music, Opera Australia
If you love the canon but enjoy learning, working as the Head of Music for a major company may be…