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Exhibition review: Don Quixote, Sutton Gallery
An exhibition based on The Australian Ballet's adaptation of Don Quixote.

Collective consciousness
A new touring exhibition emphasises the importance of collaboration, in sharing cultural practices in regional areas.

Vale Peter Maloney: an artist engaged with our times
Moving between painting, photography and collage, Peter Maloney captured the HIV pandemic and held a mirror up to contemporary life.

An accessible tour guide of a beachside sculpture festival
Visiting this year's SWELL Sculpture Festival from the perspective of a person who uses a wheelchair.

A string quartet playing classical works from memory
The acclaimed Vision String Quartet will embark on an extensive concert tour for Musica Viva on its first visit to…

Opportunities and awards
Prize entries open for 2024, design winners announced and Brisbane honours local ballet legend, plus more!

Theatre review: Unprecedented, HotHouse Theatre
Campion Decent’s latest play is a verbatim response to the 2019-2020 bushfires: a moving, angry and surprisingly funny work about…

Ten years on, a gallery, but not a gallery, still going its own way
Faced with a collapsing local gallery scene, a group of WA artists rewrote the rule book on how their work…

Equity in art opportunities
What practical steps can organisations take to ensure application and selection processes in the sector are equitable for all?

Book review: Cast Mates, Sam Twyford-Moore
An examination of the relationship between Hollywood and the Australian film industry, via actors who have straddled them both.