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Creative Exchange Webinar #5 - Image of a purple, lilac and blue background and three circles containing headshots of a dark skinned woman with large round earrings, a woman with long brown hair, and a Causcasian woman with wavy blonde hair

Webinar #5 – Using social media to promote your creative business

ArtsHub and Creative Victoria's latest webinar is now available to view online.

Hiromi Tango demonstrating the ritual wearing of all donated items prior to her incorporating parts of them into her installations during a workshop at Museum of Brisbane in October 2023. Photo: ArtsHub.

Full spectrum: the broad-reaching appeal of Hiromi Tango

Japanese Australian artist Hiromi Tango brings together knowledge embedded in rituals with ancient origins and scientific innovation to create sites…

Nighttime Righttime. Image is three women dressed in light gold shimmering one-pieces with sashes, gyrating in a large empty room.

Performance review: Nighttime Righttime, Carriageworks

Presented as part of Performance Space’s Liveworks Festival, ‘Nighttime Righttime’ was a syncopated medley of the wonderfully odd.

In the Club. Image is a theatre set of a dark smoky club with a black and red striped bench seat and a young man sitting with a young woman on his knee.

Theatre review: In the Club, Theatre Works

Patricia Cornelius' play tackles consent, coercion and sexual violence in the AFL.

Defoe. Image is a man in 18th century garb, with a white wig, sitting in an armchair and holding up his arms in a querying stance.

Theatre review: Defoe's Plague, La Mama

A befuddled but promising exploration of the life and work of Daniel Defoe.

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect. Image is an author headshot of a bearded, dark haired man with a black v neck t-shirt, against a yellow background, and on the right hand side a book cover of the book's title in large font and a bird of prey with wings outstretched.

Book review: Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, Benjamin Stevenson

An intriguing mystery yarn where a trainload of mystery writers are themselves the detectives.

Everything but the kitchen sink. Image is a woman in drag as an Aussie tradie, in high vis shirt, baseball cap, with a fake moustache and can of VB beer.

Theatre review: Everything but the Kitchen Sink Fest, The Flight Path Theatre

Four producers, four shows and the questionable relevance of the fourth wall in this inner west theatre festival. 

The Naturalist of Amsterdam. Image is a side on above the bust author's shot of a woman in a green shirt with light red shoulder length hair. smiling, and on the right an orange book cover featuring a sparse tree, two butterflies and a caterpillar.

Book review: The Naturalist of Amsterdam, Melissa Ashley

Ashley's latest book is an historical fiction set at the turn of the 18th century and featuring unsung women who…

Chewing Gum Dreams. Image is of a black teenage girl sitting on a block, wearing school uniform and looking shocked.

Theatre review: Chewing Gum Dreams, Clubhouse Theatre, Townsville

A solo show that traverses the life of a black teenager teetering on the edge of adulthood.

Each, Other. Image is a large pink walled gallery space with photographs on the walls.

Exhibition review: Each, Other, Griffith University Art Museum (GUAM)

‘Each, Other’ offers a compelling insight into the experiences of two photographers born in the wake of China's Open Door…

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