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25157 results
Vale Khai Liew – a visionary designer
Known for his one-off commissions and short-run editions in furniture, designer Khai Liew leaves an incredible legacy.

A new era for Artspace begins
With a secured future, Artspace reopens its Woolloomooloo space after a significant redevelopment, and fuses history and memory with contemporary…

Exhibition review: Ian Gentle and The Gentle Project
A new retrospective of an iconic Australian artist, often understood, inspires a next generation.

Performance review: BLAKTIVISM, Hamer Hall
A potent First Nations performance with stirring vocals, storytelling and words of protest.

Music review: Maria Callas: A Concert in Hologram, Arts Centre Melbourne
3D hologram technology brings one of the world's greatest divas back to the stage, using the original vocal tracks of…

Music review: Zach Bryan, Flemington Racecourse
The US country star was joined by Dermot Kennedy and Daniel Ricciardo for a boot-stompin’ night of fun.

Exhibition review: GONDWANA VR: The Exhibition, South Australia Museum
This multisensory installation distils 100 years of climate data into a single day.

Exhibition review: Tacita Dean, MCA, Sydney
The celebrated artist forces us to slow down, and hones our eye to appreciate the everyday, in her stunning new…

Exhibition review: Nadine Christensen, Buxton Contemporary
This major survey exhibition prompts viewers to be active and rewards them with a joyous experience positioned within a deeply…

First Nations-led festival channels interconnectedness for 2024
Parrtjima – A Festival in Light returns to connect visitors with Country and Culture from 12-21 April 2024.