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25132 resultsThe Keepers: Origins of the museum movement in America
Collecting in early modern times has its roots in Europe, in the courts of Renaissance princes and churchmen. Americans come…
Taking Off
The concept behind Sky Orchestra was inspired by a research trip to Tunisia in 2002. I was staying in a…
Mash that funky music
Mash ups, a kind of 21st century ‘mix-tape’, remain popular in the musical world. Underground operators have won legions of…
Fifty Years Young: a Conference Wrap
The Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) turned fifty last week. They celebrated their golden anniversary at their annual conference…
Travelers voices
We know that one way an ethnic group holds onto its heritage is to preserve its art, even as it…
Guilding Arts Ed
As public schools across the nation discontinue art, music, theatre, and dance programs due to budgetary constrictions, a glimmer of…
Making our mark -- an introduction to dance therapy in Australia
Dance-movement therapy as a formal profession began in the United States in the 1940s, when professional dancers were invited by…
Landmark of the ages
The gathering place for New Year’s Eve in New York City is a place that forms an “X” where Broadway…
Premature adulation -- The Weiss Scandal
Theater critic Hedy Weiss sparked outrage in September with a review of works in development the best in the business…
Cultural Diplomacy? Too little too late?
Many pundits have argued that the Bush administration squandered the global goodwill expressed toward the U.S. in the months following…