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Guilding Arts Ed

As public schools across the nation discontinue art, music, theatre, and dance programs due to budgetary constrictions, a glimmer of…

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Making our mark -- an introduction to dance therapy in Australia

Dance-movement therapy as a formal profession began in the United States in the 1940s, when professional dancers were invited by…

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Landmark of the ages

The gathering place for New Year’s Eve in New York City is a place that forms an “X” where Broadway…

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Premature adulation -- The Weiss Scandal

Theater critic Hedy Weiss sparked outrage in September with a review of works in development the best in the business…

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Cultural Diplomacy? Too little too late?

Many pundits have argued that the Bush administration squandered the global goodwill expressed toward the U.S. in the months following…

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No young artist left behind?

Should parents have to choose between math and music for their kids? Should we be asking families to study science…

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Institutionalizing Latino-American culture

According to the last census, Latinos are the fastest-growing minority group in the United States. But in an age where…

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To be or not to be substantially similar

Legal issues over the authorship of directorial, design, and choreographic aspects of a theatrical production have been gaining considerable attention…

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Museum architecture: it's all sharp angles to me

Once Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Guggenheim Museum, the genie was out of the bottle. Museum architecture could and would…

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Opinions & Analysis

Never trust a man wearing white shoes

Formal education is a privilege and gift to be cherished. The freedom to read, argue, debate, summon evidence and make…

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