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What's happening this summer
ARTSHUB SUMMER: The summer holidays are almost here, lazy days, great weather and the opportunity to indulge. If you just…

Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah
BOOK REVIEW: Alana Valentine’s 'Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah', published by Currency Press, is one step towards offering a better glimpse…

ArtsHub's big stories for 2010
ARTSHUB'S BIG STORIES 2010: Yes, as voted by you with your digital feet – here’s some of the top 2010…

NICA: Circus Showcase 2010
NICA: The yearly ‘Circus Showcase’ at the National Institute of Circus Arts in Prahran, features performances by graduating artists, who…

Top tips for visual artists: Writing proposals
VISUAL ARTS: Writing proposals for exhibitions is one of the most important parts of your art practice. Knowing how to…

The Nightwatchman
THEATREWORKS: Theatrework’s presentation of an If Theatre production of Daniel Keene’s 'The Nightwatchman' reminds us to consider why we go…

Our top 10 arts organisations to work for
What arts organisations in Australia are doing the most exciting things? Where in the arts would you like to work?…

Simon Crean - Minister for the Arts
MINISTER FOR THE ARTS: On September 11, Julia Gillard announced her new ministry, and to Simon Crean’s surprise along with…

Angela’s Kitchen
GRIFFIN THEATRE: 'Angela's Kitchen' celebrates the life of Paul Capsis' Maltese grandmother, her journey to Australia and all which she…

The Man Who Planted Trees
THE ARTS CENTRE AND SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: The Man Who Planted Trees is is a gentle yet profound tale in…