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SA's top arts graduate - Nescha Jelk

HELPMANN ACADEMY: Nescha Jelk wins $5,000 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Awardworth $5,000.


Lindsay Butcher: Sculptor

SCULPTURE: Outdoor winner of Brighton Jetty Classic Sculptures 2011, Lindsay Butcher wanted to become a football star, sadly work got…


Geoff Sirmai: Publicist

Geoff Sirmai may be a publicist and actor today, but he wanted to be a Socceroo as a child. He…


The Mikado - 2011

OPERA AUSTRALIA: Written in 1884, Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera feels fresh as a daisy in this new production starring…


Hello World! Promoting the Arts on the Web

CURRENCY HOUSE: Robert Reid analyses one of the most dizzying examples of the transformative power of the Internet - the…


Upload - why do we keep talking about going viral?

GETTING VIRAL: Thanks to a piece on Mumbarella many more people than perhaps ever would have this week watched some…


New Director for Campbelltown Arts Centre

CAMPBELLTOWN ARTS CENTRE: Michael Dagostino has been appointed as the new Director of Campbelltown Arts Centre.


Ross Mueller joins Geelong's Courthouse ARTS

COURTHOUSE ARTS: Geelong’s Courthouse ARTS has announced the appointment of writer / director Ross Mueller as its new Artistic Director.


Mentoring the next generation of curators

NAVA AND SIDNEY MYER FUND: The five successful recipients of the Curator Mentorship Initiative (CMI) supported by the Sidney Myer…


Groundswell - researching NSW multicultural arts

GROUNDSWELL: Groundswell and Arts NSW are seeking participants in a research program looking at the need for a peak body…

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