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Vernon God Little
THE NEW THEATRE: A quality stage adaptation of DBC Pierre’s Booker Prize-winning novel, though not without its drawbacks.

Under Milk Wood
WHISTLING VICAR THEATRE: Staged in an authentic Welsh church, Dylan Thomas’ play for voices makes for a charming and unique…

The Memorandium
THEATRE WORKS: Memories, interactive storytelling, puppetry and countless curios are served up with a cup of hot chocolate in Barking…

Spaghetti Western Orchestra
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE: This performance was one of the best shows this critic has seen this year, and that’s about…

Aussie exhibition to inspire London's Paralympics
Spare Parts is a unique exhibition of artistic prosthetic limbs set to take over London later this month.

Lisa Dempster
Director of the Emerging Writers' Festival, Lisa Dempster is one of the ArtsHub Awards Judges.

Nominations open for 2012 ArtsHub Awards
In 2011 ArtsHub launched the inaugural ArtsHub Awards. We received a great response with 72 shortlisted finalists and the 6…

Michael Jenn: Actor and Director
Accomplished English actor and director, Michael Jenn, will return to WAAPA next month to direct Arthur Miller’s theatrical masterpiece, The…

John Fries Memorial Prize winner announced
Tasmanian artist Jacob Leary has been announced as the winner of the 2012 John Fries Memorial Prize for emerging visual…

Queenscliff Music Festival 'Pelican Bar' stage
Triple R is presenting the special “Pelican Bar” stage at the 16th Queenscliff Music Festival.