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Doku Rai
A remarkable collaboration between two collectives from Timor-Leste and anarchic Melbourne theatre company The Black Lung.

How reading helps the world
When you sit down to read the latest bestselling novel, you might think you're selfishly indulging in one of life’s…

Why it is important to stay busy
We always complain about how busy we are, but it turns out that being a busy bee is the absolute…

Network at work
Networking isn’t just something you do at prestigious events anymore. In fact, you should be networking inside your very own…

What does your style say about you?
Dressing to impress is one thing, but just what kind of impression does your personal fashion style give your employer?

Art facts you should know
Did you know 80% of songwriters are men but 70% of music teachers are women? That’s one of the surprising…

50 shades better than 50 Shades of Grey
Our top ten ways to get the exhilaration of erotica without the awkward adjectives and painful prose.

The Crucible
WAAPA’s third year acting students are busy rooting out witches in this uneven production of Miller’s McCarthy-era classic.

AWGIE Awards recognise writer Kristen Dunphy
Television writer Kristen Dunphy has received the 2012 Foxtel Fellowship, in recognition of her contributions to Australian drama.

Ten tips for producing your own work
Producing your own work is all about taking risks. But you can reduce the risks by working smart.