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Sydney Film Festival Hub @ Lower Town Hall
Mix, sip and relax with acts and talks at the free festival venue that is the only place to buy…

Female cast takes on Lord of the Flies
William Golding's iconic story of civilisation and savagery brought to the boards by a cast of nine female actors.

Bard Wars V: The Empire Striketh Back
The fun and clever pairing of Star Wars and Shakespeare works a lot better than you might initially expect.

2013: When we were idiots
2013: When we were idiots, is interactive theatre at its energetic best.

GriffithREVIEW Edition 40 Women & Power
The GriffithREVIEW reaches its 40th edition by embracing the much discussed, digested and mulled over topic - Women & Power.

Winners of the 2013 NSW Premier's Literary Awards
The winners of the 2013 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards were announced at the State Library of NSW over the weekend.

Curtain set to open on student theatre festival
Over 150 theatre students from around Australia will be given a chance to perform works and participate in artistic discussion.

True Love Travels on a Gravel Road
Jane Miller's latest asks big questions about romance, showing how fantasies of love can create monsters of us all.

Sons of Sin
The Danger Ensemble’s production Sons of Sin is a complex beast – most of the time it's engaging but sometimes…

NORPA theatre season rolls into action
Tickets for Northern Rivers Performing Arts shows now on sale after a rockabilly roller derby launch party of its 2013…