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Two panels. On the left is of author Ashley Kalagian Blunt. She has brown hair and is wearing a leather jacket. On the right is the cover of her novel, 'Cold Truth". There are icicles on the background, one dripping with blood.

Book review: Cold Truth, Ashley Kalagian Blunt

The freezing temperature is not the only thing that will send chills along your spine.

The album cover of Slowly Slowly's 'Forgiving Spree' feature male figures in black and white, with their heads not in frame.

Album review: Forgiving Spree, Slowly Slowly

The new album is slowly gathering success for this pop punk and indie rock band.

Splendour in the Grass has confirmed it won't return in 2025.

Splendour in the Grass won't return in 2025, showing a festival sector in crisis

Splendour in the Grass has confirmed it won't return again in 2025. Questions abound about the sustainability of the Australian…

Iconic Melbourne queer bookshop Hare & Hyenas is facing financial hardship and calling on readers for support.

Melbourne's historic queer bookshop facing financial hardship

Eighteen months after moving to the Victorian Pride Centre in St Kilda, the iconic queer bookshop Hares and Hyenas is…

Australian publishing is being swallowed by international conglomerates. (Image: Laurianne Langlais on Unsplash)

Australian publishing faces unprecedented consolidation – will it help or hurt local authors?

In a massive sea change for Australian publishing, three independent publishers have been acquired in less than six months. Experts…

After years of nominations, Tame Impala finally claimed victory at the Grammy Awards.

Australians represented at Grammy Awards

The year's Grammy Awards included long-awaited recognition for Tame Impala and a nod to Australia's metal core scene.

People outside heritage stone building on sunny day. Adelaide School of Art

Art school receives $7 million to expand

Adelaide Central School of Art to take over heritage building and deepen its offerings.

A crowd sitting on chairs under the night sky in federation square, an open-air area with a large screen.

Federation Square 'Open Air at the Square' experiences are back this summer

The program features silent cinema and blockbuster films on the big screen, as well as musical performances.

Opinions & Analysis

Beyond race, is Country: the MTC's '37'

The restaging of Nathan Maynard's hit play from last year is an important contribution to the ongoing discussion of racism…

A bald man with a beard is wearing a white t-shirt. An array of different coloured scarves are drapped over his shoulder.

Performance review: The Hanky Code, FRINGE WORLD

What does a hanky have to do with your sexual journey?

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