Selling Yourself – Learning Module 2, Channels for Promotion

The penultimate of five videos in this second module, offering practical advice for creative businesses and produced by The Big Idea in New Zealand.
A blue and black illustration of a lightbulb with symbols bursting out of it.

ArtsHub‘s friends across the Tasman at The Big Idea have produced a series of learning modules offering advice from experts on core topics and aimed at helping creatives along the road to success in their practice. There are four separate modules, each comprising a series of linked videos. Learning Module 1, Roadmap to Success, has eight videos; Module 2, Selling Yourself, has five videos; Module 3, Media and Publicity, has five videos and Module 4, Networking and Mentoring, has five videos.

Over the next few months ArtsHub will share these one of these videos every Monday in order that Australian creatives can benefit from their wisdom, practical advice and expertise too.

Second cab off the ranks is the Selling Yourself – Learning Module 2, in which poet, novelist, publisher and youth educator Dominic Hoey covers handling rejection and setbacks, ways to promote yourself, the value and tips on international residencies and takes you through ways of writing your bio.

In this week’s video, the next contribution in this second Learning Module, Hoey explains how to get it right when choosing your Channels for Promotion.

Look out for the final one in this series of videos, Build a Community, where Dominic Hoey explains how to find those like-minded creatives.

The video Selling Yourself – Learning Module 2Channels for Promotion was originally published on The Big Idea’s Learning Network. You can find it here.

To see all the ArtsHub Learning Module posts in one place.

Madeleine Swain is ArtsHub’s managing editor. Originally from England where she trained as an actor, she has over 25 years’ experience as a writer, editor and film reviewer in print, television, radio and online. She is also currently Vice Chair of JOY Media.