New Literary Festival in Perth and surrounds

Although still a couple of years away, a dedicated WA festival will make its debut to incorporate literary talents of the Indian Ocean Rim.
A spiral design made up of books.

A new literary festival will be launched in the spring of 2026 as part of Perth Festival. It will take place in the grounds of the University of Western Australia and across Perth. Its remit is to highlight, in particular, literary offerings from nations around the Indian Ocean Rim, as well as homegrown Perth and Australian talent.

This dedicated event will be held outside the normal annual Perth Festival summer program.

“The beauty of literature lies in its ability to transcend borders and connect us on a deeply human level. By creating a dedicated literature festival, we commit to elevating the voices of the Indian Ocean Rim, but also to give our Western Australian writers a dedicated space where their voices can be heard, explored and celebrated in the depth they deserve. It is a focused approach to ensure that literature isn’t just a part of a larger conversation, but is the conversation,” says Perth Festival Artistic Director Anna Reece.

“We’re building a dedicated experience for both writers and readers, with the breathing space to curate a program that is truly reflective of the rich diversity of our region. Literature deserves its own moment in the spotlight, particularly in a city like Perth, where our connection to the Indian Ocean is so integral to our identity. The Festival will allow us to celebrate these connections in a way that’s distinct, meaningful and deeply rooted in the literary traditions of our neighbouring countries.”

This latest direction continues Perth Festival’s long-standing history of celebrating literature with the support of Perth Festival’s founder and ongoing partner, The University of Western Australia.

“As the only Australian capital city located within the Indian Ocean Rim, Perth has an important role to play in fostering cultural and literary exchange within the region,” says UWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Amit Chakma.  

“This event will not only showcase the incredible diversity of literary voices from around the region; it will also reinforce Perth’s identity as a thriving cultural hub within the global community.”

Having previously collaborated on literature programs with industry leaders Writing WA, the announcement of a new dedicated festival has been welcomed by the sector. 

“This bold new initiative by Perth Festival and Artistic Director Anna Reece signals a profound commitment to, and investment in, Western Australia’s rich literary culture and the continuing legacy of our First Storytellers,” says Writing WA CEO Will Yeoman. 

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“Furthermore, to have our homegrown harmonies intertwine with the other sonorous voices and cultures of the Indian Ocean Rim in such a joyous communal celebration can only result in stronger, more authentic and more imaginative regional relationships.”

Further details on the new literature festival will be announced in 2025.

The full Perth Festival 2025 program will launch later this year.

Thuy On is the Reviews and Literary Editor of ArtsHub and an arts journalist, critic and poet who’s written for a range of publications including The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Sydney Review of Books, The Australian, The Age/SMH and Australian Book Review. She was the books editor of The Big issue for 8 years. Her debut, a collection of poetry called Turbulence, came out in 2020 and was released by University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP). Her second collection, Decadence, was published in July 2022, also by UWAP. Her third book, Essence, will be published in 2025. Twitter: @thuy_on Instagram: poemsbythuy