
Theatre review: As You Like It, Queen’s Gardens, Townsville

Sparkling performances and a strong ensemble mark this Shakespeare production.
Eyse Phelan wearing a cap, vest and shirt is reading out from a piece of paper. As You Like It by TheatreiNQ

I have been reviewing TheatreiNQ’s work for more than 10 years now and each year the annual Shakespeare in the Park is the anchor piece for this Townsville company’s annual program.

Arguably, it has become Townsville’s most anticipated annual theatre event, but even though each year seems to eclipse the work of the year before, what remains is an overall impression that this is indeed Shakespeare for the people.

These are not elitist productions, full of pretension and “high art”. Going beyond the natural expectations of text interpretation and concept, there is an almost tangible feeling of joyous camaraderie, intense discipline and the core satisfaction of a job well done that imbues every production. These productions are probably more akin to the way Shakespeare’s merry troupes would have originally presented the works, so it is not too hard to conjure an image of the Globe Theatre in the early 17th century. 

Artistic director Terri Brabon has achieved this not only by building and maintaining impeccable standards through her knowledge, talent and creative choices, but also through the careful and considered strategic manner in which she has constructed this unique theatre company. TheatreiNQ is founded on two fundamental principles  – that theatre is important for community wellbeing and that there is great value to art generated in regional centres.

One of the company’s outstanding achievements is the Bridge Project –  a unique place-and-train model that develops emerging professionals, preparing regional talent for highly competitive tertiary education, which includes structured learning, immersion training and one-on-one mentoring. This is particularly relevant to this production because the project has formed a nucleus of returning professionals who jump at the chance to come back and perform with the company, with key roles this year played by a quartet of them.

All four – Elyse Phelan, Jacob McCarthy, Megan Heferen and Harlee Timms – have been ensemble members of TheatreiNQ for some years, completed the Bridge Project, went on to successfully complete tertiary acting training and are currently building professional careers. They have returned to Townsville to perform in As You Like It.

Elyse Phelan plays Rosalind and she positively glows and sparkles in one of the most engaging performances I have seen in many years. With perfect comic timing, she lends nuance and delight to arguably one of the best female comic roles from the Bard’s pen. This is a charming and magnetic performance that is no doubt assisted by a compelling natural stage presence.

Orlando is a role I always consider to be pretty thankless as he is so overshadowed by Rosalind, but Jacob McCarthy holds his own in a good reading of the part.  

As Celia, Megan Heferen is a delight, proving to be the perfect friend (and foil) for the exuberant Rosalind, while Harlee Timms adds a different dimension to Touchstone, regarded as one of Shakespeare’s “professional fools”. With a take on the role similar to the buffoon Zanni stock character of the commedia dell’arte tradition, he gives an almost swashbuckling interpretation, adding a great deal of flourish to his physical comedy.

Having seen several productions of this play over the years, it was evident that Terri Brabon is faithful to the text as always, delivering the play with lightning speed and style. However, she gives this interpretation a freshness and vivacity by expanding the traditional musical interludes into what amounts to a musical comedy.

The customarily exuberant and disciplined ensemble must have had fun creating these tongue-in-cheek song and dance numbers, which contributes to the overall pandemonium. Included is the hysterical parody of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey, as well as new lyrics set to the classic 1940s cowboy song ‘(Ghost) Riders in the Sky’ and the amusing multiple variations of the Mission Impossible theme – not to mention the four-piece folk band led by Brabon herself.

In the dual roles of Le Beau and Jaques, Brendan O’Connor takes customary command of the stage, particularly relishing the role of Jaques. There is plenty of direct bawdy interaction with the audience. His interpretation of the ‘Seven Ages of Man’ speech is a superlative joy.

There are performance gems a-plenty from the strong cast, including Michael Doris as Oliver (his song is a particular highlight), Arminelle Fleming as Ada (a gender change from Adam), Alyssandra Higgins as Audrey, with Emma Smith and George Abednego as Phoebe and Silvius. Terri Brabon playes the dual roles of the Duchess Frederique and the Old Duchess (another gender change from Duke Frederick and Duke Senior).

Another important aspect of the Shakespearean productions that Brabon creates is the amount of thought that goes into creating the world that the characters inhabit. This is shown through costume, set and movement, and she perfectly contrasts the austerity and rigidity of the court with its black and white costumes, set projections and jerky militarised movement, with the natural beauty and comfort of the country – complete with rustic costumes in shades of brown and green, a realistic set and natural movement. 

Read: Theatre review: Hamlet, fortyfivedownstairs

As You Like It is altogether a beautifully visualised and executed production, laced with sparkling comic performances and much anachronistic humour to engage with and delight.

As You Like It by William Shakespeare
A TheatreiNQ production

Queen’s Gardens, Townsville
Director: Terri Brabon
Set: Brendan O’Connor, Andre Reynaud
Costume: Kathy Brabon, Terri Brabon

Lighting: Daniel Lobley
Production Manager: Chris Nobile

Sound Operator: Sasha Lea-Rowell
Stage Manager: Fionn Baker-Goodson

Production Team: Charlotte Davies
General Manager: Anne-Marie Smith

Cast: Elyse Phelan, Megan Heferen, Harlee Timms, Jacob McCarthy, Michael Doris, Arminelle Fleming, Terri Brabon, John Goodson, Michael Gleeson, Joshua Smith, Brendan O’Connor, Robert Street, George Abednego, Emma Smith, Alyssandra Higgins, Kaden Ramm, Hunter Sams, Ally Armitage-Cosgrove, Lily Bartlett, Ava Saldana Lopez, Faith Taylor, Aiva Tyrie. 

Tickets: $33-$42 

As You Like It will be performed until 22 September 2024.

Trevor Keeling has been involved in the arts and creative industries for 40 years in Australia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. He has been an actor, theatre director, journalist and critic, publisher, broadcaster, music festival director, event manager and arts administrator. Since coming to Australia in 1991, he appeared in numerous productions in Adelaide, and was Festival Director of the Glenelg Jazz Festival for six years. He was General Manager of Dancenorth in Townsville (2005-2006 and 2011-2014) and for three years was CEO of Mirndiyan Gunana Aboriginal Corporation, which included managing the world-renowned Indigenous Mornington Island Dancers. He has worked in urban, regional and remote environments in Australia and has a particular focus on regional arts and the connection to community.