What your (funding) partners want from you, but may be too polite to ask
No, they are not doing it solely out of the goodness of their hearts. Arts funders have their own agendas.
17 Oct 2016 12:00
Judith Bowtell
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Writing and Publishing
A still from Rosemary Myers’ Girl Asleep.
Strong partnerships are built on strong communication and common goals. They take work – on both sides – but the rewards are also big for both arts organisations and the business, philanthropists and government partners that support them.
For arts organisations, a new partner is always a valuable opportunity and an existing partner an asset that should be nurtured and valued.
Judith Bowtell is a former head of strategy and policy at Arts NSW, Screen NSW and Film Australia. She has worked in the arts, creative and community sector for 25 years, and founded Albany Lane Consulting in 2012. Albany Lane supports arts, creative and community workers through leadership, strategic and career development - coaching, workshops and consulting. The opinions in this article are hers, and hers alone. www.albanylane.com.au