Five questions to help you bounce back from grant rejection

Missing out on a grant can be frustrating and demoralising but asking the right questions can turn it into an opportunity.
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Missing out on funding or a grant can be frustrating, disappointing and demoralising. However, the reality is that core arts funding budgets are either dropping or static in most areas, so losing out in the grant rounds will probably hit most of us more often then not.  

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Judith Bowtell
About the Author
Judith Bowtell is a former head of strategy and policy at Arts NSW, Screen NSW and Film Australia. She has worked in the arts, creative and community sector for 25 years, and founded Albany Lane Consulting in 2012. Albany Lane supports arts, creative and community workers through leadership, strategic and career development - coaching, workshops and consulting. The opinions in this article are hers, and hers alone.