As some of you may know, 2014 was a big year for me. I finally had my first book in English, and in Australia, published: The Dangerous Bride. Most of the year had been dominated by preparing for this moment – editing the book, negotiating front and back covers, developing the so-called author’s platform, writing articles and blog posts related to my memoir. The aftermath has been similarly intense. I’d love to share with you some lessons I learned from these experiences.
Kofman is an Israeli-Australian author of three fiction books (in
Hebrew). Her short works in English have been widely published in
Australia and overseas, including in ‘Best Australian Stories’ and ‘Best
Australian Essays’. She teaches writing and mentors writers. Lee’s
first book in English, the memoir ‘The Dangerous Bride’ was released in
October 2014 through MUP. - See more at:
Lee Kofman is an Israeli-Australian author of three fiction books in Hebrew with her first book in English, the memoir ‘The Dangerous Bride’ released in 2014. Her short works in English have been widely published in Australia and overseas, including in ‘Best Australian Stories’ and ‘Best Australian Essays’. She also teaches writing and mentors writers.