Steven Maxwell

Steven has been the Creative Producer for Markwell Presents since 2002 and is currently on the board of YPPA and chair of YAQ.
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Incoming ArtsHub Awards judge, Steven Maxwell has been the Creative Producer for Markwell Presents since 2002 and his primary roles are the business management of the company, script writing and creative development, production management and marketing, filming and editing, workshop and residency facilitator. Since 2003, Steven has co-written and produced Loose Ends, What Simon Said, Of Love and Separation, Rocks in my Head, Advanced Screening 2010, The Social Me, Cents&Sensibility, and The YAiR Project 2011 & 2012. Steven has also worked as a cinematic theatre producer and visual designer for La Boite Theatre Company on Sex:Cubed, Strings under my Fingers and The White Earth, Sally McKenzie’s Episodes, Zen Zen Zo’s Sub-Con Warrior 2.0, QTC’s August Moon and Motherboard on La Voix Humaine.

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