The Australia Council Review wants access arts in a separate stream from excellence. Peak bodies are not convinced.
4 Jul 2012 12:00
Scott O'Hara
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Writing and Publishing
Two peak bodies have responded to the Australia Council Review with concerns about the line the Review tries to draw between access and excellence.
The Australia Performing Arts Centres Association (APACA)* and the Performing Arts Touring Alliance (PATA) both seem to have been motivated by a statement on page 17 of the Review by Gabrielle Trainor and Angus Jame.
Scott O’Hara is the recently appointed CEO of Accessible Arts. He has 25 years’ experience in Arts Management including roles in all three levels of Government, the education and community cultural development sectors, and was the Chair of Arts Training NSW for five years. He previously wrote the regular opinion column ‘The C-Word’ on the Community Arts Sector for Arts Hub. The opinions and views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Accessible Arts.