How to be a good boss

So you’ve finally acquired that power you’ve dreamt of ever since someone first told you you’d make a great leader. Before you let it all go to your head, consider that a good reputation can go a long way, and that the best references you have are the people working for you.
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In any business or organisation, the bulk of the work comes from the little people, so maintaining a strong relationship with these busy bees is a fundamental attribute of any good boss. Team meetings, lunches, dinners and social gatherings are all ways to get to know your employees, and will help you to build that strong and connected team that is so essential to success.

Most importantly, you must be approachable and easily accessible. There’s nothing worse than being the absentee boss, or the consistently grumpy one, because it significantly lessens the chances that people will want to communicate with you. And, after all, effective communication is the key to any successful relationship and business.

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