ArtsHub’s big stories for 2010

ARTSHUB'S BIG STORIES 2010: Yes, as voted by you with your digital feet – here’s some of the top 2010 stories on Artshub that got you clicking. Some are unexpected and others we just knew you’d like.
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Yes, as voted by you with your digital feet – here’s some of the top 2010 stories on Artshub that got you clicking. Some are unexpected and others we just knew you’d like.

For instance, it’s probably no surprise that so many of you were interested in how graduates might get money, knock me over with a feather. The Australia Council’s ArtStart program is a practical way to assist graduates to find their feet after completing their studies. In the last ArtStart round there were 509 entries, more than double the number who applied in the previous round. Of them, a lucky 106 graduates were offered ArtStart grants on 10 December. If you missed getting you application in this year, get cracking and start early for Round 1 in 2011. Applications open on 18 January and the closing date is 2 March 2011.

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Fiona Mackrell
About the Author
Fiona Mackrell is a Melbourne based freelancer. You can follow her at @McFifi or check out