Stephanie Lake’s Chunky Mix Tape of Love

CHUNKY MOVE: Next month Melbourne’s Chunky Move dance company will premiere Stephanie Lake’s first full-length work, Mix Tape. It’s a lot of dance, a lo-fi 70s-style no-multi media here production with vox pops and an eclectic soundtrack of songs.
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The four Mix Tape dancers are giggling as they wait to be photographed. Then they’re striking poses and bursting into sudden movement, an entangled blur of arms and bodies. Choreographer, Stephanie Lake watches, talks with production and marketing people. By and by, the scene breaks up and she’s free to sit for a while, sip some water and talk to ArtsHub.

Stephanie is immediately striking: tall but someone who curls slightly toward those she speaks to, a gentle form of modesty. She’s an easy friendly manner, a strong squarely symmetrical face, and ripples of a smile seemingly always fanning out from her lips.

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Fiona Mackrell
About the Author
Fiona Mackrell is a Melbourne based freelancer. You can follow her at @McFifi or check out