Often referred to as ‘post-exhibition blues’ feeling down after reaching a creative milestone is a common experience for artists, writers, performers, and all those arts managers who support them. We delve into why it occurs and uncover strategies to deal with feeling the blues.
1. Accept that it’s normal
Similar to other life milestones such as traveling or getting married, there can be a lull period when the show is finally over. Setting high expectations combined with experiencing a dip in adrenalin and feeling at a lost as to ‘what’s next’ means that post-show blues is a normal response for many.
Illustrator, painter and sign writer Billie Justice Thomson recently experienced a lull after her first solo show at Modern Times. ‘You create this momentum within your routine that is so focused on the goal of getting the work out there that it leaves you with a gap in your life that is difficult to fill.’
Exhaustion also plays a part in spurring on the post-show blues. ‘There can be a lot of sleep deprivation and that puts you into a strange, critical headspace and after it is all done it can leave you a bit confused or unsure about the next chapter,’ said Thomson.